There is a nation waiting for them.
Continents waiting for them.
Families waiting for them.
Churches waiting for them.
– Pastor Gacura Canisius
For such a time
as this.
A demographic boom across sub-Saharan Africa is set to double the working-age population in the next 30 years.
Much is riding on the next generation, but many students are not graduating, or even in school.
What is needed now are the educational opportunities to release their God-given potential, and transform the future for their families and the nation.
“Our vision is to ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has access to a quality education that prepares them to be productive and innovative citizens of the world.”
– Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda
the call.
Hope Haven Christian School has been working to transform Rwanda through Christ-centered education and discipleship since 2012.
Together, we are empowering vulnerable families and raising leaders for the flourishing of Rwanda in the 21st century.
Trusting the Lord will establish the work of our hands. And leading with the confidence that is worthy of the calling.
“In all my travels, I’ve never seen a country’s population more determined to forgive, and to build and succeed than in Rwanda.”
– Rick Warren
Breaking the
Cycle of Poverty
Through the love and hope of Christ, Hope Haven is creating possibilities for a better life for Rwandans.